Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Doors

Standing upon the gates of oblivion

And peering into the distant 'to be'.

The landscape around me changes.

Those primroses, I loved them best,

Now lay trampled, beneath unwanted

Footsteps, unwanted memories.

I try to shut these doors, stood ajar

Since eternity. Resilent hinges creak

Their anger, uaccepting the change.

None have passed, nor are they welcome.

For these doors hold nothing but pain

And remorse, unwanting,uncalling.

They promised me sanctuary, these doors.

To be the sentinel, was all to be wagered.

Unyielding, a mask of frown, and a tarnished halo.

But still, the landscape changed, my sanctuary

Has become my asylum now.Shut these doors

I must, for dark and unwelcoming, they are.

I peer into the distant 'to be', the visage dense

And foggy. I throw away the keys for the fog

Is welcoming, soothing, unlike these cold hard doors

Of my past. And with a promise of a new dawn

I step towards the light. Those doors, skulking,

Mocking, seething behind my back, now lay shut...

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Silvers of the moon,

Wax and wane, each time

A cloud approaches.

Like warrior of the old,

Brandishing its rays as spears

Of the ancient, soothing, penetrating,

Haunting, Confunded by the profounds.

Like hallucinations, false, but yet so true.

Like a siver sepulture. Chiseled,

By the god himself. And yet it contains,

What all sepultures are meant to.

Days grow weary of their monotony of

Constant upheaval and decline.

And yet I carry on, destined to end up,

In a sepulture, not so silver on the inside.

What I crave for, I know not,

Nor will I ever do, I believe, Yet

This yearning, this thirst, it's insane.

Thawings break, spring is in the air.

And yet it's so cold inside. What reasoning,

What logic in continuation, when I know

That a sepulture awaits me at the end.

Silvers of the moon, rain down

Upon me, like celestial tears, meant to

Soothe me, bringing sadness eternal, instead.

And the dawn brings with it, shearing rays of pain

And remorse. I wish for once, the monotony breaks.

I wish for once, the dawn doesn't crack open

With all its rudeness, and the tears keep falling

On my sepulture forever...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hold me...

Its dark, out there,

To leave your side,is not

What I wanted,too scared

To lose someone, so precious.

But the darkness calls me,

Haunts me, as if it is one,

With my soul. Leave you, I must

For the fear of, losing you forever.

The daylight betrays me

It gives me hope, a new dawn,

A new life, pretentious, false.

To end like this, I never wanted.

Just to let you know, If there is

An emotion called love, it was there

For you. You just had to open the chest,

And the treasure would have been yours.

I thought there was, a place for me,

That was, for my grave to be built, now I know.

Its getting colder, my numbing veins

Cough up the last of blood, that there was

In me. I can see the stagnation of red

Surrounding me, I ponder, shrouded in

Myself, Now you need not buy me a funeral shroud.

A dying wish, if you can, fulfill it for my time is near.

Hold me, for it is getting colder.

Hold me, for the times I have lost myself.

Hold me, for I cannot see you anymore

Hold me, for my breathe is about to leave...

Friday, January 4, 2008


In the hollow of
My palm, I hold it.
Dying, still trying to
Bring out the best in it
But in the end, just dying
As it should, and will.

All my thoughts, all my visions
Rendered dark, disgraced,
Deified and denied,
ButStill I hold it, in the hollow
Of my palm, My last hope.
Should I still hope Lord?

All those moments,
Those embraces, of loved ones
Lost, in the sands of time,
The quickest quicksand, of all.
And I pick up the rock, and smash it.
The hope, the palm, the fingers.

Life, love, happiness,
Insanity...All pointless.
