Thursday, May 22, 2008


Lights darken across the room
And lay shadows upon the shruken rose
That lay folded, now unfolded
Across my lap, in the book I cherish the most.
Reminding me of all the promises,broken.
Incomplete, hurting visage, constant rememberance
Falling apart at a mere windfall, let alone the storms
To come. All the cards you sent, letters you wrote,
I burnt them yesterday, churned the ashes
With those from the uncountable cigarettes,
Both look alike, can't differentiate between them anymore.
I tried to look at the brighter side, towards
The spring-strewn gardens and the sunlit boulevards.
Blighted they became, and my eyes burned and
Made me look away. Tossed the book upon the shelf
To gather dust untill the next valentine.
Maybe, this love was not for me
Or maybe , it was not for you...

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